Archive for April, 2007

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

– Mark is off to England tomorrow for a week; a combination of business for his company (how convenient), and visiting his family. I hate him. I want to go. My mother is coming to stay the whole weekend to give me some parental relief. And I’m sure we’ll go shopping.

– I’m not blogging very much because I’m spending too much time on facebook. With so little to say, I’d rather sneak a peek at what everyone else I ever knew in my life, since grade school, is doing.

– We wanted to book a week’s holiday at the end of August and I was collecting ideas of where to go at that time from my colleagues. What a good reason NOT to leave Europe – it would have been vastly easier to find a vacation destination if we had still been in the UK. We were limited in going south due to hurricane season and how hot it would be, and I didn’t want to take a very long flight. We almost booked an apartment on a Florida gulf coast island, but in the end, we’re going to an all inclusive resort in Muskoka for a week. Yes, cottage country, an hour up the highway. Oh well. The best bit is that they have up to 6 hours of activities for Oliver to do a day. That’s right, my holiday now is about getting rid of him for a while. What a nice person I am.